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his first! What Christian was really eager for (and Hayden also), was to give his partner a good fucking. But, being the kind hearted guy he is, he interrupts Hayden to reciprocate with his own blow job. You can tell Christian is enjoying all this attention with his facial expressions and groaning. After the initial massage, Hayden starts by servicing this Zeus-like colossus, performing an awesome rim job before turning him around and blowing him masterfully. His comfort level is improving with each shoot and for this scene he delivers his first blow job.

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Put him in front of a videographer and camera to shoot some sex and he stiffens up, not only in the groin. Even though his size may intimidate, Christian is a down to earth, friendly and engaging guy. Since Christian started with us by jumping right into the frying pan (bottoming in his first 2 scenes), we decided to give him a bit of a break for this one and teamed him up with veteran bottom boy Hayden Colby.

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